Care Packages

Hey Everyone!

So I've been getting lots of messages about people wanting know what they can send me in Africa. Please don't feel like you have to send me packages or anything, but DO write me lots of letters! If you want to send me stuff here's a list of things that I would love to have lol.

Dove cucumber melon deodorant/bar soap/body spray
hair mousse/leave in conditioner
Jiff Peanut butter
soup packets
Chaloula hot sauce
magazines (Pretty much any but I love Cosmo and fashion magazines and well as National Geographic)
hot cheetoes
playing cards
uno cards
spices (any really)
trail mix
beefy jerky
sunflower seeds
granola bars
Crystal Light/Gatorade juice mix

Actually pretty much anything anyone sends I'm going to love haha. Those are just some things I could think of off the top of my head. I love and miss you all. Here's my address. Address it exactly like this and letters and stuff will have no problems getting to me :)

Karina Valenzuela, PCT
S/C Corps de la Paix
01 B.P. 6031
Ougagadougou 01
Burkina Faso (W. Africa)