Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ist off day

Sigh...this has been a long week. So glad that it is my first day off. I'm at my mom's house...yay (insert sarcasm here..) to go shopping for Africa stuff. So far that includes eating breakfast and taking a short nap. This also includes spending un-necessary amounts of time on FB and uploading my Mardi Gras pictures. Has any shopping been done? Absolutely not. Joy. I suppose that I could go galavanting around town, but I don't really much feel like it. I need to print out some more pictures and go to Michael's to see if they have any scrapbooking stuff for Mardi Gras to add to Andrew's surprise scrapbook. The thought however, of doing all that after the very little sleep that I got sounds exhausting.

My work weeks are getting harder and harder to get through. Just knowing that there are only 6 more work cycles that I have to go through makes me have to will myself everyday just to go. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for the job that I have, but's just not for me. I am so tired all the time. I went on a medical run this week. It was actually the highlight of my work week. The nurses were very nice to us, especially this one named Ericka.

Nothing really to update on the Peace Corps. Sent off my Visa and Passport paperwork, as well as my aspiration statement and resume. So, that's pretty much all there is to say about that. I can't wait to leave!!!!

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