Sunday, July 24, 2011

I throw my hands up in the air sometimes saying ayoooooo down in LEO!

This has been an amazing week! Site visit was absolutely wonderful! My village is indeed really tiny. There really is nothing there but a lot of farms, a school and people’s houses. I meet all the important people of the village, this includes the Chef de Village, the president and a bunch of members of the APE and AME (those are both the Equivalent of the PTA), the health people (which is great because I want to work with them a bunch) and just other families that my homologue thought I should meet. My village is really green and there are lots of trees everywhere. There is no electricity in the entire town. I don’t know what I’m going to do about my music though! Lol. The kids in my village are great. This one little girl who lives across the street from my kept poking me and asking why my skin color is different from hers. Another little boy asked me if I liked white people or black people better. One boy asked me if teachers hit students in America. I told him no, that hitting students is not good and he said “oh, they hit really hard here.” L They also asked me if I celebrate Christmas, and what the sky is like in America. To them, America is another world. I had to explain to them that the sky is the same everywhere, but that in America you can’t see the stars because there is too much light. Another kid asked me if my dad is Barak Obama’s friend Haha. It was really great. The family that I am living with is great, they are really nice people. I can’t wait for you guys to come visit me at my site. It took about 8 hours from the capital to get to my site. That part sucks. Lindsay and I were crowded on a bus with stinky people and a chicken. I guess that will make for a good story later, once I get over the trauma of it! HAHA. I spent 2 days there and it was so relaxing and awesome. My house is small and I love it. It has a living room, a nice sized bedroom and an indoor shower area. The family that I share a courtyard with is building me my own courtyard, so when it’s all done I know I will be very happy in it. After 2 days in Yoro it was time to head to Leo (pronounced Lay-o) to visit the regional capital and see what that is like. Leo is MAGNIFICANT! There is so much to do here. There is a safari and a huge market, internet, a place for dancing, and a SWIMMING POOL! The best part is that it’s only 30 K from my site which is totally bikable! So whenever I start to go crazy at site I can take a break and come to Leo and wear jeans and feel normal! The hotel that we are staying at is nice; we got our own rooms with indoor showers and actual toilets! It was so quiet here that I had a hard time sleeping haha, I’ve gotten so used to hearing roosters, donkeys, pigs, and goats all night that the quiet was weird (you know you’re in Africa when….haha)! All of us that are here is me, Lindsay, Brandon, Trevor, Samuel, Leigh, Marisol and then 2 PCV’s Emily and Katie. We went out dancing at this place that let us play our own music! It was so fun. They also have tofu brochettes here, which is apparently a big thing haha. They are actually quite tasty! We went swimming in the pool and it was magical! We went dancing and it was so fun. Sam is so lucky! I’m totally coming to visit every week! Haha. I'm really happy with my site. It’s wonderful. I can’t wait to move there after stage. I wish it would hurry up and be swear in time! Well more updates to come J

1 comment:

  1. Ok so the kids sound soooo funny! It does put in perspective what other people think about america. and what they think outside their village because it is probably all they know! Swimming pool!!!! That is so awesome!!!
