Friday, January 4, 2013

The Holiday Season 2012


This Christmas was better than I ever could have imagined. Sudawg and I made plans for her to come to my site for the holiday and it turned out that 5 others wanted to come too! The more the merrier! We all bought matching Christmas fabric and everyone was to get something made out of it to wear on Christmas day, and we drew names for "secret Santa". Amy, Kelsey, Elena, and Maren all came on Christmas Eve and Sudawg got there Christmas morning. 

Because we wanted to everyone to have a good time and remember Yoro well, Omar and I went a little crazy planning for the holiday. We bought 5 roosters to kill and eat and also 5 boxes of Sangria. I went in to Leo to buy a bunch of tomatoes and onions and other stuff we would need to cook with. I also ran all over Yoro borrowing pots, pans, and serving dishes from everyone (being by myself 90% of the time I literally own one pot haha)

So for Christmas Eve the mom of my family made us all foutou and chicken. it was really delicious. We all ate until we were stuffed and I took some over to Issaka's house. We all stayed at Issaka's house because his 3 bedroom house is way bigger than my tiny shack. Since everyone had traveled that day they were all tired and went to bed. I stayed up to wait for Issaka to come home. Some friends of mine came by to take me drinking but I didn't end up going.

Christmas day was good. We all woke up and had tea and bread and then headed to my house to start cooking. Sudawg showed up and I couldn't have been happier. We greeted all of my friends and put on our matching Christmas outfits.We spent the day cooking and then we ate with my host family, Issaka, the director of my school, the chief, and whoever else stumbled into the courtyard. After that we were tired so we went to my house to repose a bit. That night we went to my best friend Jonas' house to eat again and party. We drank so much. It was a great night, we had a lot of fun.

The day after Christmas we all went to Boura to visit Lindsay and her family. We went to the marche and then everyone went home and Sudawg and I went back to my village. We were tired so we mostly just hung out and went to bed. The next day we spent all day in my house listening to music, putting on makeup and acting silly. It was a lot of fun. Issaka told us to come over but we ended up going over to Jonas' again and eating and drinking wine. It was a perfect send off for Sudawg.

The 28th Sudawg and I headed in to Ouaga so that we could celebrate New Years here. I called Idrissa and he came to pick me up and we went over to his house. His friends wanted to take me out dancing so we all went drinking and dancing and it was a lot of fun. I ended up spending the night. The next day Idrissa and I went to his grandma's house and to visit a bunch of other people. I went back to the Transit House in the afternoon to head to the expat's house (see "The Social Experiment"). The next day Idrissa came and picked me up again and we went out with his friend Zakaria and this other guy. I ended up staying the night. 

New Year's 2013

After spending so much time with Idrissa it was decided that I would stay and celebrate New Year's with him and his friends. His friends were so much fun, I felt totally comfortable partying with them. During the day we hung out, ate and drank liquor and beer. At night we got all dressed up and went out to this club to go dancing. We got there early which was good because that place filled up really quickly. I danced all night with Idrissa and his friends. At midnight we all toasted the New Year and there were fireworks and more dancing. It was magical. We ended up going to bed around 4 am.

New Year's Day was even more fun. We got up around 9 am and bathed and stuff. Idrissa's mom cooked us an amazing lunch and all the guys came over and ate with us. After we got dressed to go greet people. We visited so many people and had at least a beer everywhere we went. Needless to say we had a lot to drink. People were so nice and everyone welcomed me into their homes. I took a lot of pictures with Idrissa and his family. He has a such a beautiful family. His mom is amazing. She treated me like part of the family. His little siblings all loved me, especially the baby Sharifa. Indescribable how amazing my New Year's was.

I had a fantastic time with Idrissa. He's someone that I can talk to about anything. We would literally fall asleep after talking forever and wake up laughing like idiots. He wasn't weird about people looking at us together. He did explain to me that it was a little strange for him. He told me that he grew up in the same neighborhood practically his whole life, everyone knows him there so no one really makes a big deal when he's around. When we were together people were not only looking at me, but him as well. He said that people were wondering what he did to get to spend time with me. It was cute but I get how that could be weird for him. At least now he understands how I feel everyday. I finally left his house the 2nd. Not that either of us wanted me to go, but I had other things that I needed to get done while in Ouaga.

This year's holiday season was really something to write home about :)

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