Thursday, April 14, 2011

Some time to kill...

I'm meeting Lauren for church class in an hour so I have some time to waste right now...what better way to spend time then by updating about my life. haha. anyway...

8 more work days to go until I get to quit! HOORAY! Not that it was a bad job to have for the last 2 years, but my time is way up with that place. Besides, the drama there is out of control. There are a few great people that I work with that will be missed, but for the most part I want to punch the rest in the face. The best thing that came out of working there was a great boyfriend...Andrew :) If I wouldnt have stayed there as long as I did we never would have met, so for that I am grateful.

I'm at my mom's house right now, and it seems like every time I come here I am further rminded of why I hate being here so much. My dad is a complete a$$hole. I hate the way that he talks to me and my brother and my mom. He is just an unhappy old man and I hate being here when he's home. Ugh. Im sure one day someone will read this and think that it's mean that I just wrote that, but didnt grow up with the guy.

I spent the majority of the day today with LoMo and Cy (Lauren's 3 year old nephew). It was a lot of fun. We had a healthy lunch and Sweet Tomato, and then we went to the mall. Lauren wa helping me find clothes for Africa. So far we got 2 dresses. Cy was wanting to be helpful by carrying my bag for me, but with him being such a little guy I ended up carrying it most of the time. I bought a new ring that says "faith" on the outside and "live by faith, not by sight" on the inside. so that totals out to being 2 new dresses, a sweater type thing (because the dresses are strapless and the Peace Corps would not approve), and a new ring. Cy and I bonded over chocolate milk lol. That kid is the best. The rest of the day has been spent on facebook and surfing the web.

Things at home have been ok for the most part. Yesterday Andrew and I watched outside and Patches was playing with 3 puppies. They had snuck under the fence and came into our yard, 2 little girls and a boy. They were all so cute. I wanted to keep them but Andrew made me put them back. We had dinner and rent a ridiculouse movie lol. It was nice to just be home, we had been bickering a little so it was nice just cuddle and relax.

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