Sunday, April 24, 2011

Special Moments...

Sometimes there are moments in life that are just so perfect you can't help but just smile at the wonder of it all. These are the moments where things just seem to come together. It's funny how it's always the little things that do it.

Like today for rear passenger tire was looking very low. This was not good consdering that Andrew had just checked my tire and filled it up with air less that 2 weeks ago. Anyway, my mom is super insistant that it needs to be checked by Sam's Club's tire people. This is really annoying becuase I was not going to want to have to pay money to get it fixed. After waiting over and hour the guy hands me back the key and says that he fixed the flat tire. When I look at the recipt my total is $0.00. This was the BEST! Not only did I not have to deal with the tire anymore, but it all got fixed for free.

The second little moment that  was so perfect was taking a bike ride. This may not seem like much, but I have not rode a bicicle outside of the gym in years. It was so refreshing to ride around The Woodlands feeling the cool early summer air on my face. I wish the ride would have gone on longer but I thought Lauren was going to come over (which she ended up not).

The third, and perhaps all around BEST thing that happened to me today was getting a simple message from the love of my life. The message said...
"I believe once in a lifetime someone comes into your life who changes who you are. They make you better. They make you want to do the right thing. You start making decisions and taking actions that not only benefit you, but benefit this person also. In other words, you love this person. I love you Karina"
It was with those words right there that I know above everything that I want things to work between Andrew and I. I want to be his wife and spend the rest of my life with him. He is the one for me :)

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