Tuesday, November 1, 2011

One Year ago Today...

Today marks the one year anniversary of my relationship with Andrew. I thought I would write about the night he asked me to be his girlfriend.
Andrew and I had gone to a Halloween party at Jamie Baker’s house. I was dressed as a cowgirl, and Andrew was dressed…well, like Andrew haha. We had a discussion as to why I thought it would be really cute for him to dress up as grapes for Halloween. Why grapes? I have no idea, I just thought it would be adorable. He wasn’t as down for the grapes idea as I was haha. We had a great time at Jamie’s and ended up leaving well after midnight (this is crucial because Andrew seems to think that our anniversary should be on Halloween because it was Halloween night, but I argue that it was after midnight so it’s the first lol). At the party it had been kind of the first time he was meeting a lot of my friends. Many of them asked me if Andrew was my boyfriend. I wasn’t terribly sure how to respond because we had been hanging out for months and were very close but we had yet to “define” what it was that was going on, so the subject came up with him. Well actually it was more me trying to figure it out without actually having a conversation about it (I’m just shy like that lol). So Andrew said something and I replied with “well I’m not your girlfriend really because technically you never asked me to be.” I said that in my most joking way, mostly to not feel like such a dork about things J So, after the party we head to Andrew’s house and we lay around talking. He said something along then lines of “Well what would you say if I did ask you to officially be my girlfriend?” I replied with a silly answer like “I don’t know I’d have to think about it,” but we both knew what the answer would be. So he asked and of course I said yes. So here we are a year later, in different parts of the world, but still very much in love.
A week or so ago I was having a conversation with Lauren and I told her that my anniversary was coming up. I said that I couldn’t believe it was already a year. I can’t remember the exact words she said but it was something along the lines of “I can. You guys are so close it feels like it’s been longer…It’s just the first of many.” We talked about it some more and had some of those “Remember when..?” moments. It was great.
Andrew and I may not get to talk as much as we would like because of work, time distance, and cost but when we do get to talk its more than enough. I miss him so much and not a day goes by that I don’t think about him. He’s so wonderful for supporting my decision of the Peace Corps, and is always so comforting whenever I call him sobbing into the phone or really excited for me whenever have something really great to tell him. It’s the best.
I’m sure Andrew will read this at some point today so…
Happy Anniversary Andrew! I miss you so much. You’re my best friend and the love of my life. I love you more than all the fishes in the sea and higher than the moon. I can’t wait to see you again.
Heading back to site today. It was a nice break. And no I will totally not be biking,haha, I’m totally taking a bush taxi.
23 days til my birthday!

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